Top 5 best websites to learn touch typing from – Learn touch typing

Image of a keyboard
Best websites to learn touch typing

If you walk to someone and ask them if they have typed something that day. Almost every person you ask this question will give you an affirmative answer. The chances of getting a negative answer is very slim. That is how the world currently is. The world we currently live in, has keyboards and computers spread across all over the glove. Almost everyone uses a keyboard and computer to type in their daily life. So, typing fast is a skill necessary for everyone. If you are someone who needs to type a lot in your daily life, Then learning to type fast can be a really helpful skill. It can make your life a lot easier. So today, we are here to introduce you with some of the best websites to learn touch typing for free.

Touch typing – The best typing method

Everything has a certain rule or protocol to it. Typing normally doesn’t have any fixed method to it but, If we are talking about learning to type really fast, then we will have to follow the protocol and learn a certain method. This method is the “KEY” to learning how to type really fast. This method is called touch typing.

Image of two hands typing with a keyboard

What is Touch Typing?

Touch typing is a typing method where you type without looking at the keyboard. In this method, you use all your fingers to type. With the use of all ten fingers, you can type really fast. At first not looking at the keyboard can make your typing to be really slow. But the more you work hard and practice, the better you muscle memory grows. Typing is just like a kind of martial arts, where your proficiency increases the more you practice it. With delicate effort and practice, you can grow your typing speed everyday. And it has no end to how much you can improve. Every now and then, the record for fastest typing speed is being broken and a new record comes up to the world.

We are here to inform you about some great and free online typing tutors that will teach you touch typing. So that you can also learn to type fast and improve yourself. But you must always keep one thing in mind. Your typing speed is the manifestation of your efforts. The more effort you put into, The faster you will be able to type. So lets have a look at those free services.

Best free websites to learn touch typing from!

1. Learn to type –

One of the best typing tutor is one of the best free websites where you can learn typing easily. And it is my personal favorite if I give an honest review. They will teach you everything from your postures to advanced typing. They have personalized lessons for almost every key on your keyboard that you need you to type. After every lesson you finish, they will give you a report on how you did, how many mistakes you made and your average typing speed. Though creating an account is not necessary, But if you create one, you will be able to save your information. With that, they can provide assessment, help with creating special lessons for your problem keys.

During each lesson, nothing can distract you from your typing. Everything you can see there are your lesson materials and a virtual keyboard which shows the locations of each individual key so you won’t have to look down at your keyboard to know where the next key is. You can always remove it if you feel it like a distraction. So you can type completely distraction free and complete all your lessons.

Another great feature about it is, after you finish each lesson, You don’t need to take your hands off of your keyboard to get to the next lesson. You can just press “Enter” key on you keyboard and it will get you to the next lesson.

They also have a Teacher’s portal for school teachers where you can guide your students through the website and teach them typing with ease with the help of typing tutor. – Key points :

  • Great for beginners .
  • User friendly and comfortable GUI.
  • Personalized lessons starting from basic to advanced.
  • Game like features with exp and level to keep users interested.
  • Provides certification after course completion.
  • personalized lessons based on user’s evaluation.
  • Great for learning the basics but, have to practice on your own to advance further.

Learn Touch Typing Free – Typing Club

Typing club is another great free website where you can learn typing. They have lots of lessons on each individual key and combined key lessons. Believe me when I say lots of lessons. They will not only teach you each and every key necessary but also make you practice it so hard that you muscle memory can develop to an extent. Unlike, they will do a great deal to help you increase increase you typing speed with their own lessons. And if you have learnt some of typing from elsewhere, you don’t need to worry about going through all those lessons again. You can take their placement test and they will skip certain number of lessons depending on your evaluations.

They have hundreds of lessons here. Some focus on alphabets while some focus on using shift keys. Some will teach you the numbers. And more lessons on symbols. They won’t stop until they teach you the whole keyboard. By the time you finish, you won’t need any other thing for further development before you can show off. They will get you covered from start to end.

Typing Club – Key points :

  • Great for beginners to advanced typers.
  • User friendly interface
  • Offers various kinds of plans for different type of people.
  • Has a lot of lessons. So might become boring for some people.
  • Plan may be lengthy, but offers great outcome once finished.
  • You can skip lessons based on their evaluations.

Learn with your own lessons – Keybr

If you are those kind of persons who don’t like how others customized those websites or typing lessons. If you want to learn how to type your own way, Keybr is the right choice for you. Which is completely customizable and user friendly.

It is like a really fun game, where you start off and unlock new features and stuff as you go on. Here, you start with some really basic keys. But, as you keep practicing and show progress, they will unlock new keys for you. With which you will have to start another typing journey.

They offer a virtual keyboard so you can look at it and know the position of every keys you have to type without looking down. You can always remove it if you don’t like. That’s how it is to be easily customizable.

They don’t have special lessons on each key and so do they don’t have any weird typing experience like “ffjj jfjj”. They offer real words that we use in our daily life from the beginning. And you can also add your own personal words into the game. It can be a really fun experience for some people. I personally like it very much.

They also provide with various typing test as well as multiplayer typing races. At multiplayer typing race, you can race with other people online. With racing with real person, you can realize how much you have progressed and how much further you can go with you typing.

Keybr – Key points :

  • Beginner friendly but basic hand posture should be known.
  • Extremely customizable according to your choice.
  • Add you own words to the lessons.
  • Game-like features to keep user interest.
  • Provides competitive typing races.
  • You can progress fast or slow depending on your progress.

Learn to touch type – Ratatype

If you want to get this done with less lessons and be good at touch typing, then ratatype can be a good option for you. They provide less but effective lessons and many starter tips on how to start typing and about your posture. This kind of tips are just skipped by many typing tutor sites.

You can see your typing speed and your typos live on screen while you are typing. So you know how you are doing without even having to finish the whole test. They also have a virtual keyboard that shows the location of every key on your keyboard.

A great thing about Ratatype is you can’t just skip lessons. You must finish all your lessons with a good performance. if you perform badly at any of your lessons, like type really slow or make a lot of typos then they will force you to redo the lesson until you perform better. Only then will you be able to advance to the next lessons.

If you are the competitive type of person, then good for you. Ratatype provides user leaderboards where you can compete for a higher ranking against many other users. This can keep a lot of users motivated to improve much further to do better at the leaderboard.

Ratatype – Key points :

  • Several starting tips for beginners.
  • Things covered without many lessons.
  • Supports variety of language.
  • Forces users to work hard and stops them from skipping lessons.
  • Clean and user friendly interface.
  • Provides user leaderboard.
  • Requires a free account to get started with the lessons.

Improve your typing online – Typing Academy

Another great free online typing tutor that will teach you touch typing would be Typing Academy. While it offers a lot of service alongside typing lessons and typing tests, it can sometimes become irritating. The reason being a lot of annoying popup notifications every now and then. Which some users might find as a bad feature.

It will stop your typing test or typing lesson the moment you click away or accidently remove focus from the typing race. Which for some users be another annoying feature.

It can be a good typing tutor with some great lessons. It also highlights the keys that you need to type and provides a virtual keyboard for all the key locations.

It allows you to customize a lot of thing about the typing test and how it responds. Like how to react when you make a typo, The use of capital letters. They also let you edit toggle for animation, sound, live stats and auto pausing.

Typing Academy – Key points :

  • Good for beginners to start learning.
  • Offers quite a few customizable options.
  • Auto pauses a test when clicked away.
  • Sows a lot of popup notification.
  • Some lessons require an account to access.

These are the websites we have provided for you to learn touch typing and we have personally tested and evaluated all these websites to collect enough information for you to decide which one is good for you and best suits you for you learning journey of touch typing.

Thank you —


  1. X22sleks

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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