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Top 10 productive things to do when bored

You have time at hand, and you want to enjoy it. To comfortably enjoy your time, you start by doing things you love. You go ahead and check social media, emails, and other stuff. But soon enough, you get fed up with it. Nothing seems to feel as interesting as it used to be. Everything there is to it feels super boring. This is a pretty common issue in the current world. A lot of people face this issue. Where no productive things to do when bored can be found

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things to do when bored on computer

Things to do when bored on computer

Boredom is something we all face from time to time. Me, you, or anyone else, we all have felt this even once in our entire life. There are many fun and interesting things we can do when we are bored. Now, if we talk about things we can do when we are bored on the computer, a huge list of fun and interesting things can be listed. Here, I have prepared a comparably large list of things to do when bored on computer from which, at least some of them

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Learn and explore -Tech tune

How to be productive at home – Spend your spare time productively

We all have to go to work every day and we try to be more productive at work day by day. With doing all that productive work at our work, we often return home extremely tired. Not having any mood or energy to do something productive. Some of us don’t even get the time for it. But we cannot completely ignore it. If we put in some more effort other than our jobs, we can greatly increase the quality of our daily lives. So, it is important for us to

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Social media icons - Tech tune social media image

How to quit social media – Lead distraction free productive life

These days, social media has become a part of our daily life. It is fused with us so much so that it feels like it is engraved into our muscle and bones. There are always moments when we hate ourselves for wasting too much of our time browsing through social media. Almost everyone goes through this point of life, and it is not once or twice. With very low number of people being the exception. Whenever we are broken or we messed up everything to a point where things can’t

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Image of a keyboard

Top 5 best websites to learn touch typing from – Learn touch typing

If you walk to someone and ask them if they have typed something that day. Almost every person you ask this question will give you an affirmative answer. The chances of getting a negative answer is very slim. That is how the world currently is. The world we currently live in, has keyboards and computers spread across all over the glove. Almost everyone uses a keyboard and computer to type in their daily life. So, typing fast is a skill necessary for everyone. If you are someone who needs to

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Onion Chopping with a knife

how to not cry when cutting onions | Best onion chopping hacks you can use

Onions are really emotional. When you try to chop them, they will start telling extremely sad stories about their life. Like how their mother was killed just to give birth to her and her other siblings or how she wanted to be a mother but now she will die just to make your food taste a little better. In front of these sad tales, not many people can hold their tears. Almost we all cry while cutting onions. Now, if you ask people for advices on how not to cry

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