Things to do when bored on computer

things to do when bored on computer
35 fun things to do when bored on computer

Boredom is something we all face from time to time. Me, you, or anyone else, we all have felt this even once in our entire life. There are many fun and interesting things we can do when we are bored. Now, if we talk about things we can do when we are bored on the computer, a huge list of fun and interesting things can be listed. Here, I have prepared a comparably large list of things to do when bored on computer from which, at least some of them will be helpful to you. 

Since I am no different from a human being, I also get bored and feel like nothing in this world is of any interest. I have done a lot of things in those kinds of situations and I feel confident enough to give you some of my own personal methods and also talk about some other methods which can be found with some research. I have done my part of the research so you won’t have to go through a lot of articles. I wish to be able to provide you with all the necessary pieces of information. 

Table of Contents

You can use the table of contents above to move directly to the list of things to do when bored on computer. 

Why do we get bored?

Before getting straight into the list of things that we can do when we get bored. It is important to learn the main reasons as to why we feel boredom. Every kind of feeling we feel has a reason to it. No feeling comes without any reason for it. But if you want to jump straight into the list, you are free to use the table of contents. 

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Why do we get bored - The main reasons

Why do we feel satisfied?

Before we learn why we feel bored, it is important to know why we feel satisfaction. Because boredom is not any kind of separate feeling but the absence of satisfaction. When we lose the good feeling, we start to feel a sense of emptiness. In that situation, nothing will be of interest to you. That feeling is named boredom.

You should know, that every feeling and action of the human body is caused by chemical reactions. Even the feeling of love. There are some special chemicals responsible for making you feel good or satisfied. Among them, dopamine is the greatest cause. Dopamine is also the driving force of us humans. 

How does dopamine work?

Dopamine is a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in our brain’s reward system. When we experience something rewarding, like eating a delicious meal, achieving a goal, or spending time with loved ones, our brains release dopamine. What does that new release of dopamine do? Exactly, it makes us feel good and satisfied. So, our brain will process the action and urge you to repeat the same action that led to that reward. This can happen in two methods.

The feeling of boredom

Boredom is something we all feel from time to time. It is not any different. But it is rather the absence of some feeling, which causes the feeling of emptiness. Like when we lack interest in something or don’t like doing what we are doing. Even this is related to dopamine. If we are able to get control over our dopamine release, then we will also gain control over our boredom.

The feeling of getting bored - things to do when bored on computer
Why we feel boredom

Let us think about something we regularly do. Like scrolling through social media. When we do so, our brain likes it and releases a lot of dopamine. But over time, when scrolling becomes something regular, our standard for releasing dopamine goes up. So now, we don’t release dopamine just through scrolling. Our brain demands something more stimulating to release some dopamine. 

When that happens, we don’t like that feeling because of not being able to release any dopamine. We start to have a kind of empty feeling. That is what we call boredom. This is nothing but your dopamine release standard going up. Thus, nothing will feel fun nor interest us. 

Things to do when bored on computer

There are a lot of things you can do when you are bored on computer. We have collected a list of items and categorized them depending on various factors. All of them might not be fun to you. There are things which some people find fun while some others find boring. So you can choose according to your personal preferences. I hope you will find a lot of fun things to do when bored on computer.

Gaming when bored on computer

Gaming refers to playing interactive electronic games. This can include single-player games, multiplayer games, online games, and more. There are a lot of fun gaming things to do when bored on computer. 

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Fun gaming things to do when bored on computer
  • Play a game: Playing games is the essence of this category. I don’t quite know why I put playing a game as a list item here. But anyway, playing a game is fun. You can always enjoy playing a game. Unless you are completely fed up with it. 
  • Sandbox games: Sandbox games are where you can do almost anything and everything. For example Minecraft. There are no restrictions. These kinds of games are a lot enjoyable. A lot of people enjoy playing these kind of games. You can see many people build their kingdoms in games. I like a lot of survival sandbox games and play when I have time. 
  • Grind for something big: When playing games, it is normal to be bored of that game. You can try setting up some huge goals and grind your way into turning it into reality. For that, you might have to grind for hours or even hundreds of hours. But if you want to turn it into reality, then you will enjoy every bit of the grind. 
  • Opposite gamer: There are a lot of games to play. But have you ever tried playing a game in complete opposite logic? You will try to avoid everything the developers want you to do. Breaking the developer’s hard work and playing it in your way can be a fun thing to do. 
  • Good boy gamer: Since you can be an opposite gamer, you can also be a good gamer who will always follow rules made by the developers. You also have to play according to the way the developers intended the game to be played. You can even try following traffic rules in GTA games and earn money without crime.
  • Multiplayer games: It is a lot more fun to play with other people than to play alone. In multiplayer games, you can make new friends and play with your friends. With that, you get some loyal slaves in the game who will do everything for you. So you won’t have to grind for everything for yourself. 
  • Chess: I don’t know if you like to play chess. But I love to play chess. So I am putting it as an independent option. Through playing chess, you can gain a lot of experience. You will also learn how to stay cool and make the best decisions. You should try playing chess. 
  • Try Google Earth: You should have heard about it. Google is fun. You can explore the entire earth. Going around the world enjoying the view and exploring new stuff might seem fun for some people. 
  • Facebook games: You should know that Facebook offers various games that you can play without downloading. And a lot of those games are multiplayer games which you can play with your friends. You should sometimes scroll through them. You might find some fun games to play. 
  • Play Geo Guessr: Have gone through Google Earth enough? Why don’t you try this interesting game to test out your knowledge about the earth? They will give you a random Google Earth location and you will have to guess where on Google Earth are you. The closer you are, the more points will you get. 

Social networking when bored

Social networking involves connecting with friends, family, and other people online. This can include using social media platforms, messaging apps, and online forums. You can use these social media platforms to do a lot of fun things to do when bored on computer.

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things to do when bored on computer with social media platforms
  • Chat with people: You might be bored of scrolling through social media. At this point, I almost quit from scrolling endlessly. I instead enjoy chatting with my friends online. This is really fun. You can even chat with your favorite people. 
  • Argue with people: Chatting with people is fun, but it gets most fun when you start an argument. I mostly argue about stuff related to science and digital things. I love to argue with my friends or some random people online. It is fun when you can disprove them. 
  • Become a celebrity: Why not become a celebrity? If you have social media, then why now post some interesting stuff regularly and turn your profile into an influencer page? This can be fun. You will always be excited to make new posts and see how people react to your posts. 
  • Chat on Discord: Discord is the best place where a lot of people can quarrel to their heart’s content. You would not know how fun it can be if you haven’t done it previously. So you should try it out before rating whether it’s useful or not. Give it a try, you might like it. 

Creative works to do

Creative works are activities that involve expressing oneself artistically or creatively. This can include digital art, music production, writing, video editing, and more. Being creative can be fun. You have a lot creative of things to do when bored on computer.

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Creative things to do when bored on computer
  • Make artwork: Everyone loves art. It is a way to express ourselves beautifully. You will be pleased to know that it doesn’t require any birth talent to make art. However consistent hard work and practice are required to make great artwork. You can try making some great art when you feel like it. 
  • Write stories and poems: If you are creative, then why not transform your ideas into some great stories? You will love to see those story ideas you had turn into actual story. If you have written some great things, then you can also share them with others. 
  • Write blogs: If you want to write something, then you can also write blogs. If you have the time, then you can also share your blogs online. Whether you do it by creating your website or by writing on other blog writing platforms. It can be really fun to share your thoughts with everyone else. 
  • Customize your PC: You have your computer but are bored with it. Why now customize it and give it a great look so that you won’t be bored while using it ever again? Customizing your personal pc experience will always be worth it. You should always try it out. It can change your experience. 
  • Learn Photoshop: If we are talking about creative things and don’t mention Photoshop, that wouldn’t make any sense. You can use Photoshop in many great ways. Make some cool edits to your photo or you can try doing some funny edits to your friend’s photo. 
  • Learn video editing: Just like editing photos, editing videos is also a fun thing to do. You should try editing videos or just making some fun videos. It will always be worth it. 

Learning and explorations

Learning and exploration refers to activities that involve acquiring new knowledge or skills. This can include taking online courses, learning to code, watching documentaries, and exploring virtual tours.

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Learn and explore when you are bored on computer
  • Make your own game: If we talk about playing games. Then there comes another fun thing. That is learning to make games. Have you ever wondered how those developers make such fun games? They mostly use Unity or Unreal engine. You can also learn them and make your dream game. 
  • Learn to code: Coding is the base of computer development. Be it any software, digital device, game, or website. Everything requires codes to be made and work properly. You can also learn how to code and make all these things by your hand. It can be both fun and you will gain new skills. 
  • Make projects: If you are learning coding or are a student or even an adult. You can just choose a new project based on your capabilities. and start working on it. Getting started with a project and completing it through many trials and errors is fun. You will get stuck, browse through articles and videos, learn new things on the way, make changes to your project, and after putting in a lot of effort, finish it. The moment when you finish the project will be a very proud moment and every moment you spent to make it happen will also be full enjoyment. 
  • Learn magic tricks: There are a lot of magic tricks that can be easily done. With some effort, you can easily learn some cool magic tricks. With that, you can shock or impress your friends when you meet with them. Learning something new will never make you regret it. If it’s learning magic, then you will enjoy it. 
  • Be informed: It will never hurt to know about the recent incidents. You should check out the news sometimes. It can be both fun and interesting to learn about recent events that take place around you. With that, you will also be well-informed about everything. 
  • Your favorite news: The recent events don’t interest you? Then why don’t you keep track of the subjects you are interested in? It is a lot better and you will be well informed about what you want to know about. That will also help you in many ways to have the information. 
  • Read blogs: I don’t think you need to know more about this topic. You currently are reading a blog. Reading many blogs will help you gain a lot of knowledge as well as know other people’s thoughts. Of course, you can’t just randomly start reading any blogs. You can do this by choosing your favorite topics, or about your problems. Like how other people solved the problems which you are currently facing now. 
  • Take a free course: In the era of the internet, you can get almost anything online. That includes courses on every kind of topic. While there are a lot of paid courses, there are also a lot of free ones. You can take many free courses and gain some great skills. These will be beneficial for you in many ways. 

Entertainment and media

Entertainment and media refer to activities that involve consuming various forms of media for enjoyment. This can include watching movies or TV shows, listening to music, playing online games, and more.

Entertainment and media
Have fun watching movies and web series
  • Watching videos on YouTube: You might already be aware of it. We all watch YouTube videos. A lot of us love to watch YouTube videos and spend a lot of our time watching YouTube. Watching YouTube can be a really fun thing to do. Now, there are a lot of things you can watch on YouTube. You can comfortably choose what you want to watch the most and also should try out something new to watch once in a while. 
  • Make YouTube videos: Since we are talking about watching YouTube, making YouTube videos is also a great thing to do when you are bored. A lot of people enjoy their moments making videos on YouTube. You might also enjoy while you make YouTube videos. Although it is a matter of personal preferences. 
  • Watch movies: Movies are a great source of entertainment. In this era, there have been many great movies that you can watch. and many more great movies are being produced even when you are reading this. I wouldn’t say that all the movies are great. But you can certainly enjoy quite a lot of movies. 
  • Watch web series: If you like to watch movies, then you cannot but you also like web series too. Just like how movies are great these days, many great series can also be found. Some people also say that series are far better than movies. I am without a doubt among those people. You should try watching some web series if you have time. 
  • Listen to music: Do you like to listen to music? I don’t know about your personal preferences but most people like to enjoy music. Although their music taste defers by a lot. Some people like soft music while some like high beats. You should try them out if you like to listen to music. 
  • Watch podcasts: Podcasts can also be a great source of entertainment. I enjoy a lot of podcasts. It’s not only me but a lot of people enjoy podcasts. You should sometimes give it a try and see if you like it or not. It won’t hurt to try something new. 
  • Look at art: Are you someone who likes and appreciates art? Then you can enjoy yourself looking at some great artwork. For me, I enjoy watching people make various artwork without talking much and focusing on the artwork. You might also enjoy them. You can even try making some artwork of your own. 


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