How to type faster | Type really fast with touch typing!

keyboard indicating the importance of typing in out life
type fast with touch typing and save time

We live in a world where keyboards are found everywhere! Almost everyone uses a keyboard and computer to type everyday. From office work to doing homework, even in gaming, typing is a skill that is needed by almost everyone. But did you know that typing fast can actually make your life a lot easier? It is important to know how to type faster.

Why is typing fast necessary?

Everyday, we write a lot. Be it a school project, an essay, a script, an Email or our personal messages. Most of us spend hours typing these. Wouldn’t it be great if we can finish with typing all these super fast and then we can have more time to spare! With that extra time, you will get more time to play games, hang out with friends, explore your hobbies, or do more productive stuff to improve yourself better. Typing fast can saves you that time! By learning to type fast, you can not only save your precious time, but also reduce stress and improve your overall work-life balance.

Moreover, in the world of professionals, typing speed can be a game-changer. Employers often value employees with more efficiency and accuracy. Being able to create emails, presentations and reports quickly can make anyone stand out as a reliable and competent employee whom employers always covet.

So, Ladies and gentlemen. Fasten your seatbelts, because we are about to set off at the journey to learn how to type fast from the very basic.

Best typing method to type faster

Everyone is a fan of movies and series. We often see scenes where people type fast without looking at their keyboard. Feels like magic, right? while those movie scenes might be fake, but the typing without looking down is an actual method called touch typing. You can also master the method to type fast if you want.

What is touch typing

Touch typing is a method where you type using all ten of your fingers. And most interestingly, you don’t look at the keyboard. It might look tricky and kind of a cheat at first, but trust us, it’s all real and totally worth learning it!

Is touch typing worth it?

The answer is “Yes!”. Touch typing is completely worth it. You will never regret learning touch typing, unless you lose your fingers and can’t type anymore. Let’s hope that will never be the case. Let’s see some great boost you can get by learning touch typing.

  • Speed: Touch typing trains your fingers to find any key without looking at the keyboard. So you won’t have to look at the keyboard and search for keys. your muscle memory acts a lot faster. And just like learning martial arts, you can infinitely improve yourself and type from 2 times to even 10 times your current typing speed.
  • Accuracy: Since you are not playing hide and seek game with the keys. you can find your required keys easily and more accurately by doing less mistake. Less error means less time fixing them and more time to focus on better writing.
  • Posture: With touch typing, you can get the habit of sitting up straight and avoid straining your eyes and wrists. It’s like a workout for your brain and body and it is helpful for long term works.
  • Confidence: When you learn touch typing and become a fast and accurate typer, it will also boost your confidence. you will feel more capable of doing things better than others.
  • Value: As someone who can type fast and more accurately, you will have more value in everything than someone who can’t type fast. With a faster typing speed, you are more likely to get jobs.

How does touch typing work?

Touch typing has a certain method to learn and improve your skills. you cannot just sit in front of your computer and say a spell that activates touch typing. It certainly would have been great but, life doesn’t work that way. Lets see how we need to sit, how we need to type and everything we need to know.

Sitting position for touch typing

Touch typing is not extremely strict about how you sit. you can type at any posture. But it is recommended to sit at a certain posture that prevents back aches, help type faster and more accurately.

how to sit in a good posture for touch typing

For the perfect posture,

  • Keep your feet flat on the ground, not crossed.
  • keep your back straight and not bent over. sit tall like a superhero!
  • Your elbows should be relaxed and close to your body.
  • keep your eyes on the screen and not your hand. and layer your table and screen so your neck is straight while looking at the screen.

Most importantly, remember to take breaks and stretch your body often. It is important for your body. So, make sure to get out of the chair every now and then.

Hand position for touch typing

For practicing touch typing, your hand needs to follow a certain position and rules. pressing random keys on the keyboard does not help you to type fast.

You will find the keys are not perfectly organized. It is organized in that way to help you with touch typing. Like commonly used keys are close to the center while rarely used one are farther away from center. and also, If you look closely at your keyboard, you will find little bump on the keys “F” and “J”. Those are the keys to touch typing.

Touch typing keyboard layout

You put you both index fingers on F and J key and other fingers on other keys on the same line. So, you have all keys except G and H keys of the middle row and can type them whenever you need to. For the other keys, you will have to move your finger and then press them. at first this might seem a difficult method. but with practice, everything will get a lot easy.

Free touch typing tutor

While some people can learn touch typing on their own, it is not ideal that you go through all this alone and learn by yourself. You can learn touch typing with the help of various online tutors that are free. They will teach you typing key by key and also give you a lot of practice.

Best website to learn typing

Typing. com is one of the best typing tutors. It is a website service. they will teach you touch typing from the very beginning. You will learn how to type without looking at the keyboard, key by key. They will focus one key at a time and teach you to perfection. They will keep track of your progress as well as produce personal exercises for you so you can improve and fix all the errors you might have.

Learn about more top free online typing tutors here

Practice touch typing skills

After you have grasped the basics of touch typing, it is necessary to practice. Typing is just like everything else. Practice makes a man perfect. When you just learn typing, you might not be able to type so fast. But with diligent practice, you will continue to further develop your skills and over time, type at a really fast pace.

While Typing. com is really great tutor that will teach you typing. Monkeytype is a great place to practice your typing skills. You will have to practice a lot to improve yourself everyday. One of the great services for practicing your typing skills would be monkeytype. A lot of people use this service. They also have leaderboard. So if you are competitive, you can go and set your own record. You will also get to know how great other people are at typing.

Fast typing has now become a necessity for this world. From students to adults, and even senior citizens should learn how to type fast. typing is now a thing of everyday. We type everyday for our studies or work. People who doesn’t know how to type, waste a lot of time typing. But if we learn to type fast, we can finish those tasks faster and have extra time to focus on other things. Everyone should take out some time to learn how to type fast. This will be extremely helpful for our life.


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