How to be productive at home – Spend your spare time productively

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Learn and explore when you are bored on computer

We all have to go to work every day and we try to be more productive at work day by day. With doing all that productive work at our work, we often return home extremely tired. Not having any mood or energy to do something productive. Some of us don’t even get the time for it. But we cannot completely ignore it. If we put in some more effort other than our jobs, we can greatly increase the quality of our daily lives. So, it is important for us to sometimes focus on other stuff and work a bit more than usual. Today, we will help you learn how to be productive at home and improve your life for the better. 

Most of us have some task in mind that we want to do whenever we have free time. But when we actually get that free time, we lose motivation for that task. We procrastinate things, so much that the task is never completed. Getting the motivation and energy to get up and write this blog is not easy, even for me. Even if I managed to do that, by the time I started work, my extra time was nearing its end. A lot of people have this same kind of issue. That’s why we should all take some lessons on how to be productive at home. Because our work life is not the only place to be productive and being productive will never fail you.

Table of Contents

Why is being productive important?

We are living our lives pretty comfortably. We don’t really need a lot to make a living. Then why drop so much sweat just to be a bit more productive? If these kinds of questions make sense to you, then you must change your mindset right away. I don’t know whether you are human anymore. It is part of human nature to not be satisfied with what you have and strive for more.

It is human nature?

Not wanting more might seem like something great of a mindset for a human to have, but it’s not always the best. If we were satisfied by having good food and a roof over our heads, then there wouldn’t have been so much development. People wouldn’t work so hard just to improve the quality of life even by a little bit. And also not to satisfy some curiosity in their mind. This is the nature of us humans.

the reason we get bored - things to do when bored on computer

You certainly can find people who endlessly train their minds to suppress their human desires. They don’t endlessly strive to improve their life and make it more comfortable. But they still can’t fully escape it. They strive to better fortify their heart and mind. The only thing different is that we pursue different paths, but we both long for just a little advancement toward that path.

Some people wouldn’t want to work for improvement. They just stop after they make a certain progress. Even for them, it is not like they don’t want to improve their life quality, but they are afraid. They have the fear that it won’t work and they might just waste their time like this. They can use this time to enjoy themselves after a long tiring day. Why would they work after all that? Some might have this kind of mindset. 

How does Productivity help?

Just spending some time without wasting them aimlessly is already helpful. But instead, you can make better use of that time by working productively. That way, you can get the best out of your effort and time. 

If you already have some project or task in mind that you want to accomplish in your spare time, but can’t find the motivation to start. Then we can help you get the motivation to start up. That also counts as you being productive, even if you don’t do anything special to finish the task without wasting much time. Then you can get it done the fastest if you work productively. By doing so, you can rule out the possibility of wasting any time unnecessarily. You can also get the most outcomes by being productive. 

If you already don’t have any specific task in your mind, but don’t wish to waste away the time you have. Then you can use that time to do things that will help you when you need to do something important. Like when you go to work. You will be in such a great condition that you can focus on your tasks effortlessly. That way, you aren’t directly being productive at home. But doing practices that will help you be more productive. 

Whether you do some work or prepare yourself to work the best. It all counts as you being productive. It is a great practice to be productive. Just don’t keep on wasting precious time on useless stuff. 

The great reward of productivity

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Being productive at home can be rewarding?

There is not much need to say about how rewarding it can be to be productive. The greatest reward will be getting willpower. So that you won’t procrastinate on the projects that you started but never finished. You also won’t be wasting too much of your time. Even if you start any task and spend all day doing that, you might not get too much done. But if you start with a fresh mind, get yourself excited to do it, take proper breaks, and other steps to be much more productive, then you will be able to accomplish much more in less time. 

Productivity means you can complete your tasks more efficiently and get better results. So of course the main purpose of productivity will be the greatest reward you can get. And remember, you are going to do this at the time when you previously scrolled through reels or social media. That alone is a great reward to have. 

If you already have fixed tasks in mind that you want to do. Then, with some easy tweaks to your workspace, you can effortlessly improve your work efficiency and be more productive. Productivity does not necessarily give you rewards, productivity itself is a reward for you. Being able to work productively is what we want and thus want to learn how to be productive at home.

Get motivated for the task

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Get the motivation and start working!

You are faced with many distractions at home. You might just start to scroll through social media, and start watching some movies or series. A little check for notifications and emails can turn into a waste of hours. Most importantly, you don’t feel like doing any work. When you finally move out of those distractions and think about working, you don’t want to. At that point, your brain will process the fastest. Just to make up excuses to not have to work. 

In a situation like that, getting the motivation and starting the project or task you have in mind will become a great challenge in itself. Starting the work is by far one of the most difficult tasks to do. Sometimes, getting started is harder than the rest of the project. There are many ways to raise your motivation level and start working.  

Avoid phone and social media in the morning

If you start your day with your phone in hand, you might be tempted to check for notifications and emails. You might just waste a lot of precious time. Even worse, your brain will just want you to keep using your phone instead of working. Then you will never feel like working and won’t be able to do anything productively. 

So, don’t start your day with a phone or other digital devices. Keep it in silent mode and don’t think about it too much. You can have a fixed time for your phone and social media. But make sure that time is not in the morning. A good morning decides a good day. 

Set goals for the day

When you have a clear idea of what you want to accomplish on that day, you will be motivated to do it. Good motivation will always help finish a task more productively. Instead of setting up a huge goal, you can try splitting it into different segments. By doing so, you will have the feeling of accomplishment every time you finish a sub-task. It will help keep you motivated. 

Morning exercise

Exercising in the morning is a good habit to have. It will also provide some great benefits, Even if it’s for 10 minutes. With some exercise, you will start your day with a fresh and positive mind. You will feel more confident about your day and it will be easier to get started and focus on your work.

Create space designated to work

Just like how we can work at the office. We can do the same at home. If you have a designated space for all your work where you won’t do anything but work diligently. Then that place will get you focused on your work. Simply sitting there will awaken your working self. Make sure to get used to working there. It would be great if you used an entire room for this, but a specific portion of your room will also do the trick. 

Just start working

There are times when you don’t feel like working at all. No matter what you do, you ain’t getting any motivation to work. There is a solution to that problem. Don’t think much and just start the work. Once you get started, you will then feel like working more. The getting started part is the most difficult part. After that, getting motivated to keep on working is not hard.

There is also the 5-second rule. Whenever you are hesitant about doing something or the task is extremely unpleasant, you don’t think about it for long. Just count to 5 and get started. The more time you spend thinking about it. Your brain will produce more excuses and unpleasant things about the task so you give up on it.

Finish the task productively

If you are able to gather up your motivation and start working on your projects or tasks, then congratulations. You have overcome the most difficult part. Now Keeping yourself motivated for the rest of the time and getting yourself to finish the project is easier than starting. But don’t feel too at ease and give it less importance just because of that. 

Stay away from multitasking 

While it might be tempting to do multiple work at the same time. You would want to do this when you are overly motivated. Believe me, over-motivation like that doesn’t last long. Instead of working extremely hard with high motivation, keep that motivation for a longer period of time.

Completing tasks one at a time is also better for most people. Doing multiple tasks at a time will make you feel overwhelmed by the tasks. You will also make more mistakes. Doing one at a time will help you keep yourself motivated and you will feel less stressed. You will also be able to finish tasks faster with less errors. 

Take proper breaks

You might want to work really hard. You will act like that, especially when you are more motivated than you need to be. Wanting to work hard diligently until the end might not always be the right mindset. Always remember one thing, you must take proper rest. Resting will help you get back on track with full spirit. Working straight for a long period without proper breaks will result in clumsy work and many errors. By taking proper breaks, you can avoid such outcomes and increase your productivity. Remember not to waste unnecessary breaks and waste time.  

Maintain a to-do list

When you have some tasks in mind that you want to accomplish, it is best to go around it with a to-do list in hand. With that, you will be able to work in an organized manner. When you put some effort into creating your to-do list, you can perfectly organize all your tasks from hard ones to easy ones in a manner that best helps you to be productive and keep you motivated. 

For that organizing stuff, some will suggest you break down hard tasks into easier parts or do easier tasks first. Doing easy tasks first will build up your confidence and keep you motivated through all your tasks. While some suggest you do the hardest one first, so you will be at ease for the rest of the day. Like when you know you have some hard task to tackle, you can’t be at ease. But, if you complete that one before everything else, you will be at ease for the whole day and your confidence will also stay up knowing the hardest task has been dealt with.

Enter silent mode

Any kind of distraction will destroy your working spirit. Doesn’t matter whether it’s your phone notification, your computer or laptop, or new emails. It will just distract you and take you away from the task you have at hand. So when you start working on your project or whatever it is that you want to accomplish, make sure to enter complete silent mode to avoid any kind of distractions until you are finished or taking a break. 

Organize your home

Properly organizing your home and working space might seem like something that does not help much in improving your productivity. However, having a properly organized and cleaned-up environment can boost your productivity greatly. When your surroundings are properly cleaned up, there are fewer things to distract you when you are working so you can focus better. Also, if things are organized properly, you will have to waste less time when you need to do something that requires your surroundings and you will find anything faster. 


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